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Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

We’ve had a crazy busy week and I don’t think things will be any different for a very long time. My boyfriend and I are working non-stop on various projects; we have a few trips coming up to celebrate his birthday and many guests visiting in the next few months. Which translates: life is exactly the way we love it!

This weekend we are going to try the local Argentine pizza placeBuenos Aires (creative!) pizza. Since we do not have access to many Latin American or Brazilian restaurants, I believe this is my best shot on having a decent pizza in Denver. Finger crossed!

{this pizza looks amazing! Images: Slice Serious Eats}

Read about the Argentine pizza culture here!

Also, a colleague at work had an extra ticket to the U2 concert in Denver, and after the “Judgment Day” party we are attending on Saturday, I’ll fly to Invesco Field and see U2. It will be my first time visiting a major arena in Denver!

{U2 stage set @Invesco Field! Images: Denver Post}

 And, I have to mention that I’m NOT, by any means, a U2 fan. But, as part of life experiences, I try to check out some of the major bands/artists performances. I have seen the Rolling Stones, Madonna and others perform – people that I have absolutely no interest in listening to their music - but I can’t deny they are excellent performers. Sometimes, all you need is a good performance in your life!

To top it all, my boyfriend will be working non-stop 100% of the weekend and I’ll use our free time to pack our bags to go to New Orleans for the weekend (and probably take one or three naps in the couch!).

What are you doing this weekend?

Buenos Aires Pizza

1319/1307 22nd Street, Denver, CO - 303-296-6710

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