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Cooking: Bolo de Cenoura {carrot cake}

    I've been trying to focus on recipes that match the fall weather {even though it's still hot in Denver, with 70's and 80's degrees during the day}, and one of the things I miss the most from Brazil is our version of the carrot cake covered in chocolate. I found the recipe {here} and started working on it. Unfortunately, one of the hardest things to do in Denver is to get a cake to bake right, because of the altitude.

That's the reason there are no bakeries or good bread in Denver. It's impossible. I have to say that the cake did not turn out the way I wanted it to, but still, it was half decent and I have to say that my boyfriend is a saint, even though he is not Brazilian, he tries all the Brazilian food I make, never resists anything and says he likes them all. I'm not sure if he is lying or not. I hope for his own sake he is not lying. But I really enjoy the fact that doesn't matter what I make in the kitchen, he will eat it all

Here is the recipe, translated into English:

1/2 cup of oil.
3 medium carrots.
4 eggs.
2 1/2 cups of flour.
1 tablespoon of baking power.
Using the blender or food processor, mix the carrots, eggs and oil. Add the sugar and mix it for 5 minutes until you have a homogenous paste. On a separate bowl, put the flour and the baking power. Add the carrot mixture and stir it all together. Bake for 40 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees. {Don't do what I did, on my first try, I heated the oven to 180 degrees - Celsius - like in the Brazilian recipe. Big mistake!}

After the cake is ready and cooling. Mix on a pan 1 tablespoon of butter, 3 tablespoons of chocolate, 1 cup of sugar and 5 tablespoons of milk. You can pour it on top of the cake and let it dry. It's absolutely delicious!
The video you can find here is very helpful and easy to follow!


Unknown said...

pergunta rápida - tu já conseguiu fazer pão de queijo por ai? minha cunhada americana experimentou qdo visitou o brasil e amou, mas não conseguimos uma receita que funcione com os ingredientes que ela tem disponíveis por ai. alguma ideia de substituição? brigada!

That's a First said...

Boa, onde sua cunhada vive? Dependendo da área, existe mercados brasileiros e portugueses com todos os ingredientes para fazer pão de queijo. Minha mãe faz direto e congela para mim. Tem também pão de queijo Forno de Minas congelado e diversas Casas do Pão de Queijo em várias cidades americanas.

Eu acabo comprando congelado mesmo nas lojas brasileiras, até em Denver (que não tem comunidade brasileira) tem uma. Ah, as lojas brasileiras também vendem online. Espero que tenha ajudado!

Unknown said...

legal, vou falar pra ela. eles moram em spokane, e acho que não tem comunidade brasileira não. mas online é uma boa. brigada.

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