This period that I'm spending at home has been great! I have more than enough time to take on projects that I always dream of executing and one of them has been learning how to cook!
Before we moved to Denver, I had never cooked in my life. I never had the interest or space {read: there are no kitchens inside studios in NJ} and now that I do, I decided to learn.
This fall, I selected a lot of recipes, especially, Brazilian dishes that I miss so much and don't have access to them living in Denver and have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen. I only feel sorry for my boyfriend, who is the one trying everything out.
Last week, I decided to make arroz doce, the Brazilian equivalent to the American rice pudding, but much, much better. I found a recipe {here}, called my mother for some assistance and started.
Here is the recipe in English:
1 1/2 liters of milk
2 cups of rice (washed)
3 cups of sugar
1 can of condensed milk
Cook the rice in a very large pan with the milk. 20 minutes later add the sugar. Another 20 minutes and add the condensed milk and cook for another 20 minutes.
The only problem with this recipe is that 2 cups of rice is the measurement for a gigantic batch of arroz doce. In our case, since it's only my boyfriend and me, I decided to make only 1/2 a cup (a quarter of the recipe) and it is already a lot. We ended up with two large bowls of sweet rice. I cannot imagine the amount of rice that two cups will generate. It's really only in the case that you have a party or large family.
The result was amazing! I'm not very good at making regular rice, so I was apprehensive that this was not going to work out well, but it tasted amazing and my boyfriend ate everything in two days. Thankfully, he is not diabetic.

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